Friday 30 May 2014


“It’s OVER,”I said. “Really? It’s OVER?” “Yes. It’s OVER.” It ended after 8 long, agonizing summer weeks. But we did have a few days that I shall always reminisce; our first meeting, a lot that happened over coffee and especially our last lunch. We’ve moved on. Moved on to what destiny has planned for us. Whether we shall meet again, I don’t know. But what I do know is that whatever happens will be for our good. No. I’m not sad that it’s over. I’m glad that it happened. I had never experienced this before and the lessons that I have learnt will remain with me for a lifetime.
Since Facebook these days is filled with reasons and signs that indicate one thing or another: “20 Signs that you have the Best Roommate ever”, “15 Reasons why Sarabahi Vs Sarabhai was the best show ever”, I decided to coin my own.

11 things you will agree have happened to you as well (provided you read this till the end):
  1. You want to create an impression in your 1st meeting. You go out of your way to prove yourself better than the other options available to him.
  2.  You are NEVER late. Probably way before time. But you just can’t afford to be late.
  3. You are diligent, obedient and ever ready to do whatever it takes to impress him. Whatever is told, your reply is always, “Yes. Definitely. I can do it.” And you will. Why? To gain brownie points of course. The ‘options’ are still available, you keep reminding yourself.
  4. Your phone is either switched off or in silent mode, least an irritating comrade wants to tantalize you, especially in your 1st meeting.
  5. Well, I have been watching a lot of episodes from the sitcom ‘Seinfeld’ and can’t help but agree with George Costanza. ‘You look annoyed all the time. Because when you look annoyed all the time, people think that you’re busy.’ And this is exactly what you would have done as well; to show that ‘special someone’ how important he is for you.
  6. So, this marks the end of halftime. For me, it lasted for 3 weeks or maybe 4. For some others, it may have lasted a little longer. But as they say, this too shall pass away. And so did this rosy phase of your life. It is now that you are jolted back to reality
  7. When you are in his company, your phone, albeit still in silent mode, your ears are attentive to the lowest level of vibration. 
  8. There was a time when your online presence was on an hourly basis as you were busy in your efforts to please him. This has now increased or rather reduced to a time-span of a few seconds. You don’t care about him any more.
  9. You long to meet your friends who have left you ever since college ended. You can’t help but envy all those smiling faces and check-ins on Facebook after ‘A day well spent with….at….’. But, it’s only him that you see everyday.
  10.  You come up with excuses to avoid meeting him and suddenly start spending more time at home than you do with him. When at home, you don’t want to talk or even think about him. It only worsens your already bad mood.
  11. Finally, on your last day, the day it all ends, your happiness knows no bounds. And so does your anxiety. Probably, after your 1st meeting, it is this day that you once again have butterflies in your stomach. You can’t sleep the night before it ends. And the day it ends, you sleep like you’ve never slept before.
Yes. It’s OVER. Your Summer Internship is over. After 8 long, agonizing summer weeks, the internship has come to an end. There were just 2 days in these 60 days that you were anxious: your 1st meeting on the 1st day and you presentation to the MD on the last. Whether you will get a PPO or not, you don’t know. But it was an experience to remember. You will probably never meet him (your mentor) again. No. You are not sad that it’s over. You are glad that very soon, you will be in the company of those who mean the most to you-family, friends and of course Kampus.

Finally, as Facebook always says, so will I.
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